Sunday, 29 September 2013

Conversations in Sunday School

On the coolness of owning a sword...

D: Hey, J has a sword in his room.
J: Yeah, and a shield.
S: And a lot of Lego.
Me: Okay, so J's the coolest student.
J: Yeah, but it's not always good because at night after I go to bed my dad's always banging around in the bathroom and it makes the sword move and it hits the shield.

On memory verses...

J: No, but I really tried to call you and find out the verse.
Me: But you didn't call me. If you had, your number would show up on my phone.
J: Well, probably you were at work or something.
Me: Your number would still show up as a missed call.
J: Oh. Well, I told my mom to call you.

On getting giant rat gummies...

1: Ha, I have a root beer rat.
2: My rat is white and yellow.
3: I want that pink rat.
4: My rat's head is lemon.

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