None Else: 31 Meditations on God's Character and Attributes by Joel Beeke and Brian Crosby
This is my morning read. I take two days to do each meditation; the first is for the reading portion and thinking about the questions, and the second for writing out answers to questions and some of the digging deeper (not the additional reading suggestions as I would then generally be trying to read a book or two for each meditation).
Isaiah's Great Light: The Salvation of God in the Servant Songs by Kyle Swanson
I've been reading this slowly and enjoying the deeper look into the Servant Songs of Isaiah.
Man Called Intrepid: The Incredible WWII Narrative Of The Hero Whose Spy Network And Secret Diplomacy Changed The Course Of History by William Stevenson
I got this for Christmas and I'm enjoying it. I just haven't been reading it as much since I have so much else to read! It's a bit large for carrying on the bus or even reading in bed.
The Mr. Pipes books by Douglas Bond
Yes, these are for children (9-12 years old), but I'm really, really enjoying them! The title character is teaching two children about the great hymns of the church and the history of the hymn writers. They travel to spots where the writers lived, see great cathedrals, and have adventures. History and hymns are a great combination!
Growing Your Faith: How to Mature in Christ by Jerry Bridges
We're reading this for the women's discipleship class that I teach at the church.
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