Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Picture Books

It's still early in the year so I haven't read too many books to the Wednesday morning gang, but we already have some favourites.

In the fall we read A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead, illustrated by Erin E. Stead. This year we added Amos McGee Misses the Bus to the list and they were quite pleased to have another story about Amos McGee and the zoo animals. I had cries of "I remember that man!" as I started the book.

They enjoyed Interrupting Chicken by David Ezra Stein. They were quite vocal every time Little Chicken interrupted his bedtime stories! I think the slightly older group enjoyed it more (at least they were louder in their denials when Little Chicken kept insisting that he wouldn't interrupt the next story).

The Oldest Student: How Mary Walker Learned to Read by Rita L. Hubbard and illustrated by Oge Mora was a bit different as it was a true story. I had to explain a few things about slavery and why Mary Walker had to work so hard even when she was free. They seemed very interested in her life and were pleased when she could read.

I have never had some of them laugh so hard as when I read them Dodsworth in New York by Tim Egan last week. They absolutely love the crazy duck character and were incredibly pleased to learn that there are at least three more books in the series. Happily, I was able to get the next one for tomorrow, so I should have a happy gang.

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