Thursday 14 July 2011

We might need to work on our sympathy....

Student: But I really have a headache.

Teacher 1: Well, try doing your work anyway.

Teacher 2: Doing work will make your headache better.

Student: No it doesn't. It's getting worser.

Teacher 2: "Worser" isn't a word.

Student: It's getting worse.

Teacher 1: That's right; high five!

Student and Teacher 1 high five....

Yes: while some people might offer sympathy, we offer reading work and correct his grammar.

As a side note: the student also said he threw up yesterday. We suggested that if he had to throw up today, he try going outside, maybe around the corner or in front of another business. If he insisted on throwing up in the bathroom, he had to make sure he did it neatly.

Also: By the second hour his headache was all better. Obviously our treatment worked.